Planning Problems

Videos of The 6 Biggest Financial Planning Problems

I feel that a picture’s worth 1000 words and a video clip is worth 1000 pictures. So I’m putting this blog together to show you the 6 things to...

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Baby Boomer Divroce

The Perfect Storm Divorcing Baby Boomers

As Baby Boomers approach the last hurdle before the magic retirement age of 65, it is becoming increasingly newsworthy that growing legions of...

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Divroce Planning

Retirement Considerations When Divorcing

When faced with divorce, there are issues relating to retirement that are easily overlooked, yet critical for the later years. Among the areas...

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Fiscal Fit

The Fiscal Side to Staying Fit

I often compare the financial services industry to the world of diet and fitness. In fact, I wrote a...

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Investor or Speculator

Are you an Investor or Speculator?

How can you tell if you are you an investor or a speculator? Many casual investors buy stocks and assume they are investing, but in reality,...

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fire drill

Retirement Fire Drill

If you spend a good portion of your day in a building like an office or a school, chances are good that you’ve participated in a fire drill....

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2012 calendar

Important Dates for Your 2012 Calendar

Last Updated: January 1, 2012If you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to get control of your finances in 2012, here’s a list of important...

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emotional pitfalls

The Emotional Pitfalls of Selling Stocks

Have you ever struggled to determine when you should sell a stock? If you have, then you are not alone. Most investors focus almost all of...

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Income Tax Planning — Tax Strategy — Tax Planning Advice — Tax Prep vs. Tax Planning

Most families think about taxes only when they, or a professional tax preparer, sit down to complete their federal, and maybe state, income tax...

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retirement planning

Retirement Base Income Vehicles

By: FPA Member Jason K. Branning, CFP® Last Updated: April 23, 2012...

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Investing for college

Investing For College — Investment Choices

The challenge today is that there are so many options for saving, and one size does not fit all. Some of the vehicles to implement your college...

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Estate Planning
Part III

Estate Planning for the Middle Class - Part III

Part III: More Estate Planning DocumentsLast month we looked at the first of the basic estate planning documents — the will — and at the...

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Caring for a Loved One
Disability Insurance

8 Things to Consider about Disability Insurance

Disability income insurance replaces one's income when one is unable to work due to sickness or injury. An individual disability policy is a...

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Starting a New Job
 Challenges Facing Business Owners

Top 5 Financial Challenges Facing Business Owners

As many business owners painfully discover, successfully building their enterprise does not always directly translate into successfully...

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Party on a Budget

How to Throw a Fabulous Holiday Party on a Budget

I love to entertain, especially during the holidays while my Christmas tree is up and the house is warm and inviting. However, hosting parties...

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college freshmen

Top 10 Money Decisions for Today’s Incoming College Freshman

Money management is a bigger issue than ever on college campuses. Parents and students should start working on the student's financial future...

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company stock

Invest in Your Company Stock Like an Executive

Have you ever worked at a job that gave you access to more of something than you could ever want?You might be a pizza lover, but let me assure...

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Starting a Family
contemporary family

A Financial Primer for the Contemporary American Household

In the melting pot that is today’s America, would you believe that “traditional” husband-and-wife family households are now in the minority,...

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Divorce Planning

Creating an After-Divorce Action Plan

The number of individuals getting late in life divorces has quietly increased over the last several years. The U.S. now has the highest...

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behavioral biases

Know Your Enemy Cognitive Behavioral Biases

You can be your own worst enemy if you do not have the proper perspective on your investment portfolio. Human nature can be contrary to...

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Estate Planning
getting set for retirement

Are You All Set?

Several years ago I was asked to give a retirement seminar to my family at a reunion. This was a little strange for me because, as the second...

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Social Security

When Should You Take Social Security

One of the first lessons of financial planning is that you shouldn’t base your retirement future on the prospects for the Social Security...

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Your Retirement Model

How Accurate is Your Retirement Model

I recently had the opportunity to revisit retirement modeling software. As one of my jobs, I teach a economics course, and one of the things I...

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Is This Wall Street or Las Vegas Blvd.

$400 on Big Red – am I buying a share of Apple or placing an all or nothing craps bet? The past couple months have felt like a rough night at...

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Estate Planning
Estate Planning

Estate Planning for the Middle Class-Part I

Part I: What is it? Why do I need it?Everyone has an estate, regardless of size: it is just the total of your assets and liabilit...

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special needs child

Divorce and Your Special Needs Child

There are few challenges more difficult than going through divorce and having a special needs child.  As a divorced, single parent of a...

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Setting SMART Goals

How often in life have you been able to accomplish something without first defining what it is that you’re attempting to do? For example, have...

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Starting a New Job
your resume

Buffering Up Your Resume – Tips from Financial Planners

Last Updated: June 20, 2011 "When one door...

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insurance plans

Life Changes That Affect Your Insurance Plans

Insurance is oftentimes viewed as a static process. You buy life insurance, auto insurance, health insurance, and other forms of coverage, and...

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Stolen Identity
identity theft

Top Ways You Can Prevent Ident Identity Theft

Identity theft is a topic that doesn't stand still because new ways to steal your personal information—and access your money and credit—crop up...

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