Mychal  Eagleson,  CFP<sup>&reg;</sup> - Financial Advisor

Mychal Eagleson, CFP®


President & Financial Planner

AEL Wealth Management & Teach Plan Retire

5455 W 86th Street, Suite 205
Indianapolis, IN 46268
(317) 941-6492 CONNECT WITH Mychal
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Mychal Eagleson is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and member of the Financial Planning Association. Serving clients at AEL Wealth Management & Teach Plan Retire in Indianapolis, IN and the surrounding communities.

Financial Advisor Overview

I love being a Financial Planner! I specialize in working with teachers and other educators and am in expert in helping them become financially fit and achieve their goals. Getting to be a part of their lives and using my knowledge to assist them through all its phases is an is an incredible experience; one that I wouldn't trade to do anything else. Being "Fee-Only" allows me to be as invested in their success as they are by removing conflicts of interest, so that no matter what, they know I'm always on their side of the table. It's a fantastic feeling to be able to make a difference and provide a positive impact on their lives whether it be something as simple as budgeting or something as complex as planning for retirement. The teachers I work come from all walks of life, and believe no matter how much money they have or don't have, they deserve an expert professional they can trust to help them with all the aspects of their finances. I strive to make a difference each day and my favorite quote comes from another Financial Planner who embodies this and has dedicated her life to helping others: “My definition of success is that every person I come in contact with finds a better path… that I can say something or do something that gets them thinking about where they want to go and how they want to get there. It’s the impact I hope to make on people” – Deena Katz


Financial Advisor Experience

I've been in the financial services industry since 2008. Prior to founding An Exceptional Life Financial, I provided financial planning and portfolio management to clients throughout the Midwest for two Fortune 500 companies and a dedicated Private Client Group. I've been featured in articles in major publications including Forbes, CNBC, CNNMoney, US News & World Reports, AARP, & covering a variety of financial planning and investment topics for teachers. I'm a board member of the Financial Planning Association of Greater Indiana, serving as the President-Elect and Director of Programming.

Financial Advisor Certifications

Securities Registrations or Exam Qualifications


Designations & Certifications

  • Other - Chartered Special Needs Consultant (ChSNC®)

Broker-Dealer Affiliation


Broker-Dealer Disclaimer

Financial Advisor's Specialties

Budget & Debt Management, Comprehensive Financial Planning, 401(k)/403(b)/IRAs, Investment Management, Getting Divorced, Getting Married, Insurance, Retirement, Life Planning, Medical & Health Issues, Special Needs


Helpful Financial Planning Resources